Note that full documentation, instructions, examples and documented, commented source code are included in the download package.
- Customizable by CSS and plugin options
- Precise positioning of all elements based on your image dimensions and CSS
- The small thumbnails are automatically generated, sized and positioned
- Low resolution preview (enlarged thumbnail) while downloading the zoomed image (except in IE)
- Optional easing of the zoomed image movements
- Optional autoplay
- Optional descriptions/captions
- Unlimited number of images
- Align Etalage left/right, with the zoom area on the opposite side
- Small thumbnails can be positioned below or on the left/right (vertically)
- Multiple instances per page possible
- Right-to-left language support
- Optional external controls for previous/next/specific image
- Advanced: customizable callback functions
- Works in all common browsers (and IE6)
- Includes documentation and commented source files
- Includes an "absolute basic" and 6 more example files to get you started
Plugin options
- The large thumbnail width/height
- The zoomed image frame width/height
- The amount of small thumbnails visible at a time
- The position of the small thumbnails relative to the large thumbnail
- Animation speeds
- Autoplay on/off
- Autoplay interval time
- Animation easing on/off
- Hint image on/off
- Zoom icon on/off
- Keyboard functionality on/off
- Hover or click to zoom
- 2 Magnifier types (the area around the cursor while zooming)
And more
New in version 1.3.4 (jun 2013)
- New plugin option: show_begin_end_smallthumb (Whether to show extra thumbnails at the beginning and the end that navigate back to the end or beginning)
- Fancybox example pages updated to support version 2+ of that plugin.
- Minor performance improvements
New in version 1.3.3 (feb 2013)
- Option "smallthumbs_position" can now also be set to top
- Option "show_hint" is now false by default
- Added fix for unwanted wrapping small-thumb row usually caused by zoomed-in browsers
- Bug fixed for when right-aligned small-thumbs didn't scroll in Firefox
- New example page: "Aligning" with samples of left/top/right aligning of small-thumbs
- New example page: "External controls" to demonstrate how to fire Etalage actions from other elements
- Minor performance improvements
New in version 1.3.2 (4 september 2012)
New in version 1.3.1 (5 july 2012)
- Bug fix: When initializing multiple instances by class, the zoom area size differed.
- Added right-to-left language support.
- Added right-to-left example.
- Added Fancybox without using Etalage's zoom area example.
- Added duplicate setups example.
- Slight performance improvements.
New in version 1.3 (6 march 2012):
- Bug fix: Adding links to images now works properly
- Bug fix: The loading image would sometimes keep showing when using a single image
- New plugin option: smallthumb_select_on_hover (scroll through the small thumbnails when hovering them, instead of clicking them)
- New plugin option: zoom_element (ability to supply your own element as a zoom area)
- New plugin option: zoom_area_distance (was previously a CSS setting)
- New plugin option: hint_offset (was previously a CSS setting)
- New plugin option: icon_offset (was previously a CSS setting)
- New callback function: etalage_change_callback(image_number, instance_id), where image_number is the new active image
- Added an example of using Etalage with Fancybox
- Added an example of using callback functions
- Added an example of using a custom zoom area element
- Minor performance improvements and removal of depricated jquery functions
New in version 1.21 (4 sep 2011):
- Fixed a bug with external controls when there were no small thumbnails out of range
New in version 1.2 (23 jul 2011):
- Even more precise zoom image positioning.
- Bug fixed where the description box would be stretched when positioned at the top.
- Click callback function (Good for lightboxes or anything you want to happen on click).
- Added plugin option "click_to_zoom". When enabled, clicking the large thumbnail will initiate zooming (instead of hovering it). This does not go together with click-callback functions.
- Added plugin option "smallthumbs_position". The small thumbnails can now be positioned on the left or right of the large thumbnail (vertically).
- Added plugin option "align". The Etalage container can now be aligned to the right, with the zoom area on the left.
- External functions for switching previous/next/to a specific image number.
Note: You should also use the new CSS for this update if you are upgrading from a previous version (at least copy the "functional" section at the bottom; the personal styling section remains the same).
New in version 1.1 (24 apr 2011):
- Added an optional description area overlaying the zoomed image. Pass the description text through the title attribute of the source image:
<img class="etalage_source_image" src="" title="Put description here." />
- Keyboard support (optional) (left/right arrow key will navigate to the previous/next image).
- Bug in the zoom_easing plugin option fixed.
- Various slight improvements
Note that full documentation, instructions, examples and documented (full of comments) source code are included in the download package.
- Include the jQuery library
- Include the CSS file and optionally customize it with your own styling
- Include the plugin JavaScript file
- Provide your HTML list of images (see example below)
- Invoke the plugin on your list and optionally change the settings to your liking of functionality
Analysis of HTML list
<!-- Give it any [id] or [class] to identify it with: -->
<ul id="etalage">
<!-- This is the large (zoomed) image source: -->
<img class="etalage_source_image" src="/images/large_image_1.jpg" title="Optionally, your description goes here." />
<!-- This is the thumb image source (if not provided, it will use the large image source and resize it): -->
<img class="etalage_thumb_image" src="/images/thumb_image_1.png" />
More detailed documentation is included, along with the commented source files.
Difficulty with implementing:
- Check out the instructions page (included in the package)
- Check out the example pages and their HTML source code to see how it's done (included in the package)
Can not get it/something to work:
- Do the example pages work in your situation? That means something went wrong in your custom implementation. Try comparing them or starting out by modifying one of the sample pages step by step.
- Look for your issue in the Etalage FAQ
- Look for your issue on the Etalage comments page
- Post a comment with your question / request
- Email the author directly at