Yes! This plugin is compatible with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions.
Admin Column Manager is a WordPress plugin for WooCommerce that enables you to manage the product, order and coupon admin table columns by removing default columns, adding additional predefined columns and changing their order.
Clean up the admin environment to your own or your client’s liking by applying the configuration for Administrator and Shop Manager user roles separately.
Hide default table columns
Clean up the WooCommerce admin interface for yourself or your clients by removing columns that you don't need.
New columns
The plugin comes with a bunch of predefined additional columns for your convenience and completely optional.
No arrogant menu entries, nagging or other visual standout in the admin environment
This plugin will not change any of your shop's functionality
WordPress coding standards
Fully commented code
Full of action/filter hooks to customize the functionality without editing the core files
Updates just like any other plugin if your license is in order
Does not add any CSS or JS assets to your site
Does not create any additional database tables
All data is removed upon uninstallation
Additional columns
Besides hiding the default columns, you can choose to add any of these additional information columns to the following WooCommerce list tables. More columns are added over time!
Sales The times this product has been sold.
Short description The product excerpt if it exists.
Product attributes List of product attributes, similar to the tags display.
Ratings and reviews A product's avarage star rating and the number of reviews.
Featured status (textual) A simple textual display wether the product is featured or not. An alternative to the default icon view.
Product type (textual) A simple textual display of the product type. An alternative to the default icon view.
Product type (icon) This column used to be default but was removed in WooCommerce 3.4. With Admin Column Manager you can add it back in.
Ordered products An overview of products in the order. An alternative to the default "order items" column which was removed in WC 3.0.
Coupon details Shows wether a coupon was used on the order, which one and what its value was.
Cart totals A representation of the costs, tax, discounts and totals of the order.
Payment method A simple textual display of the payment method used on the order.
Order status (textual) A simple textual display of the order status. An alternative to the default icon view.
Customer message Shows a preview of the customer message if one was provided.
Will this plugin mess with any of my WordPress or WooCommerce settings?
No. Enabling the plugin leaves everything in the same state until you save the plugin options to apply your customizations. Reverting the plugin configuration back to default and/or disabling/uninstalling the plugin will leave everything as it was before you installed the plugin.
Where are the settings?
Visit WooCommerce > Settings, and find the “Admin Columns” tab on top. On top of that page you’ll find links to switch between orders, products and coupon columns, as well as a page with the option to reset the column settings.
Why can’t I see the settings page?
By default you must be a user with the role of Administrator to edit the plugin options. To overwrite this limitation, use the filter hook “wcacm-admin-capability” in your theme’s functions.php and return the desired capability. Example:
On the settings page, you find lists of columns for orders, products and coupons. Each list item has a dotted grid icon to the left of it which can be clicked and dragged. Drag and drop the list items as you prefer and press “Save changes” to save this configuration. The next time you visit the corresponding list table page you’ll see your custom order reflected.
How do I add columns?
You can add any of the predefined additional columns by checking the checkbox behind it on the settings page. Press “Save changes” to confirm your custom configuration.
How do I remove columns?
You can hide/remove columns by unchecking the checkbox behind it on the settings page. Press “Save changes” to confirm your custom configuration.
How do I revert back to the defaults?
Visit WooCommerce > Settings > Admin Columns > Reset. Here you’ll find a button to reset the configuration. Any changes made by the plugin are reverted to the situation you had before using this plugin.
A column is checked to be visible but I don’t see it.
If you have hidden a column via “Screen Options” on the corresponding page with the current user account, it will stay hidden even though it’s enabled in the Admin Column Manager’s configuration. To see the column after it’s been hidden in Screen Options, open Screen Options again and check the checkbox. The show/hide state via Screen Options applies to each user account individually.
Fix column configurations not being saved in newer version of WooCommerce.
Avoid star-rating styling being applied to places outside the Products table.
26 Jan 2019
Fix a possibility of the dragging of WooCommerce attribute terms not working.
Removed a debug log message in the plugin code.
30 May 2018
Improved automatic column widths for order/product/coupon tables, preventing the checkbox and other narrow columns from taking too much space in certain situations.
Added the "Product Type (icon)" column since this native column was removed in WooCommerce 3.4.
Fix a bug where the coupon column ordering was not being applied.
13 Jan 2018
Support for WooCommerce 3.3:
Removed the plugin column "Textual order status" (orders) since this is now what the new default order status column looks like.
Added a new plugin column "Order notes" (orders) since this is now removed as a default column.
Added a new plugin column "Customer message" (orders) since this is now removed as a default column.
Updated styling of the configuration pages.
7 Sep 2017
Added Yoast SEO columns to the list of manageable product columns when the plugin is active.
Added products column: Ratings and Reviews.
Preparations for WooCommerce 3.2 support.
25 May 2017
Product columns: Sales column: This column is now sortable.
Order columns: Products column: Added a "times" character between the quantity and the product title.
Order columns: Products column: The text was made internationalizable.
Order columns: Cart totals column: Fixed possible "undefined function" error in older WooCommerce versions.
24 May 2017
Order columns: Cart totals column: Now showing "Refunded" amount if there was any.
Order columns: Cart totals column: Not showing shipping entry if there were no shipping costs.
Fixed possible "Headers already sent" PHP warning.
20 May 2017
Fix possible text domain conflict in localized JS.
12 Apr 2017
Added order column: Products, which shows the purchased products. This column is similar to the default column "Order items" which was removed in WooCommerce 3.0.
7 Apr 2017
Prevented an error in the coupon column when the coupon is since deleted.
WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility: Removed the "Order Items" column since this is no longer a default order column since WC 3.0.
WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility: Removed errors due to data retrieval method changes.
8 Feb 2017
Initial release.
Priority support directly from the developer. Also for pre-purchase questions!