
A Premium WordPress Admin Theme

Clientside is a meticulous combination of a redesigned admin theme and a set of settings and tools that help customize and unclutter the WordPress interface for yourself or your clients.

The WordPress admin area often proves quite confusing to the average content manager. Generally it lacks a clear separation of administrative functionality and content management. When developing a site and handing it over to the client, you will find they are quickly lost in an over-complicated looking interface since the WordPress platform is designed to cater to both simple and advanced usage.

Clientside approaches this issue both with design changes and by providing a wide variety of options allowing you to customize the appearance specifically per user role. Administrators are able to disable features, rename and hide menu items, hide unnecessary functionality and more, resulting in a cleaner, less confusing CMS environment.

For Administrators & Developers

  • Comes with a set of Admin Tools for common tasks
  • Control over UI elements per user role
    (clean up the admin interface for your clients)
  • Optional dashboard widget showing site’s status information
  • White labeling with a custom logo upload
  • Translation / WPML ready
  • Includes optional common security improvements
    (hide login error hinting, remove WP version meta tag)
  • Includes optional performance improvements for both the frontend and the admin area
  • Option to disable the plugin’s theming, but keep using
    other functionality or even entirely disable the plugin’s functionality for certain user roles
  • Ability to import/export settings as a means of backup or to duplicate settings across sites
  • Ability to set multisite network defaults to configure all child sites
  • PHP errors are gracefully outputted as admin notifications
  • Fully commented code, following the WordPress
    coding standards

For Everyone

  • A harmoniously designed theme with a modern look & feel
  • A cleaner, simplified and uncluttered interface
  • Completely useful out of the box but very customizable
  • Responsive layout optimized for any screen size
  • Themed login page with custom logo option
  • A Toolbar Notification Center
  • WordPress Multisite support
  • RTL language support
  • Option to disable the theming and only use Clientside’s functional aspects
  • Installs as a plugin
  • Full documentation included
  • Increased usability

    Such as lots of added whitespace, unified modal window styling, larger type, optimized layouts for smaller as well as larger screen/window sizes, back to top navigation, generally improved page, form and element layouts, button actions clearly highlighted by color and size, the help feature is moved to a dedicated modal window, a simplified and easier to navigate menu...

  • And so much more...

Additional Tools

Running WordPress sites often requires several repetitive plugin installations to fill common needs that you wish were built into the core. Clientside comes with several tools meant to add common admin functionality to WordPress and reducing the need for certain plugins.

Admin Menu Editor

The menu editor allows you to reorder, rename and conditionally hide menu items for specific user roles.

Hiding unnecessary pages can help avoid confusion and distraction for the affected user group. The role based settings allow for an administrator to keep menu items and remove them for editors or authors at the same time.

Admin Menu Editor Tool

Admin Widget Manager

The widget manager allows you to choose which admin widgets are visible to which user group. Widgets are the blocks of separated functionality on certain admin screens which can usually be managed via the “Screen Options” on that page. The widget manager lists widgets belonging to the Dashboard and the Post Edit screen (all post types). Hiding a widget also makes it disappear from the page’s Screen Options. Some widgets can be unnecessary for your situation and removing them cleans up the page and improves focus on the essentials.

Admin Widget Manager Tool

Admin Column Manager

The column manager allows you to choose which post listing columns are visible to which user group. Hiding a column also makes it disappear from the page’s Screen Options.

The tool provides the ability to control the visibility of columns on the Posts, Pages, Media and Users pages, as well as WooCommerce products, orders and coupon tables.

Hiding columns cleans up the listing tables for a cleaner overview.

Admin Column Manager Tool

Custom CSS/JS

Inject your own CSS and javascript into the site and/or admin area.

Additionally you can choose which custom javascript runs in the header and which in the footer of your site.

Custom CSS/JS Tool

Plugin Options

Besides these tools the Clientside options pages also provide a wide range of customization options to modify the admin experience. These include managing toolbar items, active controls on the post listing pages, a custom login logo control, custom pagination limit overwrites, the ability to hide update information for certain user roles and more.


Clientside is exclusively available on

As of 1 Oct 2019 this plugin has reached end of life. It is recommended to only proceed if you are familiar with the plugin and need another license.

Purchase on CodeCanyon

Documentation & Support

Full documentation is available in the download package and inside the plugin's Admin area.

As with all Frique products, your Clientside license comes with support. The documentation should cover enough to help out in most situations, but if you need more specific help or have any pre-purchase questions, feel free to contact support.

Product support



4 May 2019
  • Swapped deprecated "login_headertitle" filter hook to "login_headertext".
  • Improved support for theme “Enfold”.
  • Updated the .pot file for translation.
  • Fixed a situation where a JS error would stop the mobile menu toggle from working.
  • Fixed broken pagination styling.
View full changelog


17 Mar 2019
  • Fixed the classic editor toolbar overlapping the admin menu on narrow resolutions.
  • Improved support for plugin “WP All Import”
  • Added support for theme “Enfold”


11 Feb 2019
  • Prepared support for WP 5.1 (Gutenberg styling updates).
  • Added support for plugin "WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit".
  • Added support for plugin "Yith Vendor".
  • Added support for plugin "Calendarize it!".
  • Extended the role-specific classes on the body tag to include all user roles rather than just the "editable" roles.
  • Added a "clientside-is-enabled" filter hook to allow for programmatically controling when Clientside should (not) be enabled. Note that there is also a "clientside-is-themed" filter hook to only toggle the theming.


16 Dec 2018
  • Fixed code editor areas (CodeMirror) sometimes having a dark background.
  • Improved styling for some Gutenberg blocks: Quote, Gallery, Cover.
  • Slightly increased spacing between Gutenberg blocks.


26 Nov 2018
  • Gutenberg!
  • Improved compatibility between the “Elementor” plugin and the Admin Menu Editor tool
  • Improved support for plugin “Advanced Custom Fields”
  • Improved support for plugin “Reviewer”
  • Fix the missing Filter button above the WooCommerce order table
  • Fix stretched user avatar image when viewing the site.


22 Aug 2018
  • Improved the sticky texteditor (tinymce) toolbar, fixing some issues.


19 Aug 2018
  • The texteditor (tinymce) toolbar is now sticky, just like its native behavior.
  • Fix the delete link on media modals being hidden.
  • Various Gutenberg styling updates.


12 Aug 2018
  • First draft of Gutenberg support!
  • Added the option to hide the "Try Gutenberg" Callout dashboard widget (via the Admin Widget Manager).
  • Improved support for plugin “Real Media Library”
  • Improved support for plugin “WPBakery Page Builder” (Visual Composer)
  • Role based options now reflect whether some roles are checked, as opposed to only all or none.
  • Fixed an issue with role-based options where options could be applied to a role with an added capability when the option for that role was disabled..!


7 Jul 2018
  • Fix positioning issues regarding the view-site and menu logo in some situations.


7 Jul 2018
  • Added the ability to manage multisite network dashboard widgets with the Admin Widget Manager tool. Visit Themes > Admin Theme > Admin Widget Manager Defaults in the network admin environment to find them.
  • Added the WooCommerce dashboard widgets to the Admin Widget Manager tool (when WooCommerce is enabled).
  • Updated styling of the WooCommerce attributes page. Including unhiding the edit/delete action buttons.
  • Fix the admin menu logo not showing up in some cases, also in the menu editor.
  • Improved support for plugin "LearnDash".


8 May 2018
  • Fix "View Site" button saying "View Site button"...
  • Fix menu logo linking to a non-existent admin page instead of the homepage...
  • Added filter hooks to the View Site / menu logo URLs so you can customize them programmatically.
  • Added styling for the upcoming GDPR privacy policy page.


6 May 2018
  • Added the option to "Always show the View Site button". This will show the button even when a custom logo is visible.
  • Fix possibility of the View Site button or menu logo to appear at the bottom of the menu instead of the top.
  • Added styling for the upcoming GDPR privacy tool pages.
  • Improved styling of plugin/theme upload form on wider screens.
  • Slightly rearranged plugin options.
  • Added support for plugin "Formidable 3".
  • Improved support for plugin "Query Monitor".
  • Updated the documentation to include some custom CSS examples.


14 Apr 2018
  • Improved styling of the register/(re)set password forms.
  • Improved styling of the WooCommerce order preview modal window.
  • Improved support for plugin "WPML Multilingual CMS".
  • Improved support for plugin "WP All Import".
  • Improved support for plugin "WPBakery Page Builder / Visual Composer".
  • Removed empty buttons showing up under the theme details modal window.
  • Various visual tweaks.


29 Mar 2018
  • Re-introduced the user-menu toolbar item on mobile.
  • Separated the login page options into its own section on the Clientside options page.
  • Separated the logo upload field into separate fields for the login/menu logo.
  • Fix issue where saving custom CSS/JS as network site defaults would add slashes to certain characters.
  • Fix issue where certain plugin menu items would not appear in the Admin Menu Editor list.
  • Fix Appearance > Customize link not always hiding after unchecking it in the Admin Menu Editor.
  • Fix inaccessible sub-submenus in the toolbar user menu (BuddyPress).
  • Fixed possible issue on iOS where you could only interact with a toolbar dropdown after a certain delay (again).
  • Various visual tweaks.


10 Mar 2018
  • Fixed the media window not opening when trying to upload a logo on the Multisite network site option defaults.
  • Fixed the post edit screen comments metabox styling and hidden action links (also applies to the WooCommerce product reviews metabox).
  • Fixed possible issue on iOS where you could only interact with a toolbar dropdown after a certain delay.
  • Slight toolbar ligibility adjustments.


25 Feb 2018
  • Improved color picker styling (applies to native WP color picker and ACF). It now properly shows the chosen color again.
  • Updated plugin support for "WPBakery Page Builder / Visual Composer".
  • All button and toolbar text is now antialiased (Chrome & Firefox).
  • Fix a possibility that some of the plugin options pages are not accessible due to lack of permissions.
  • Fix positioning of theme search feature checkboxes.
  • Fix positioning of the media table search box.
  • Some minor tweaks on mobile.


20 Jan 2018
  • Added plugin support for plugin "Enhanced Media Library".
  • Updated plugin support for plugin "Slider Revolution".
  • Now showing the author's post (any type) count in the menu depending on the current user role.
  • Improved positioning of the back-to-top link.
  • Slight performance improvement by loading the Media Library assets less often.
  • Updated support for the upcoming WooCommerce 3.3.


3 Dec 2017
  • Fixed styling of the new permalink settings page "tag" buttons.
  • Fixed the Tags metabox styling that appeared broken since WP 4.9.
  • Added option to prevent theming the Theme Customizer UI. This can come in handy when your theme also styles this area and creates conflicts, or any other situation where the usability of the Customizer is hampered by Clientside's styling.
  • Added the filter hook "clientside-is-themed" to allow for conditionally disabling the theming when you want.
  • Updated plugin support for plugin "Slider Revolution".


12 Nov 2017
  • Added support for the upcoming WordPress 4.9
  • Added plugin support for "Elementor"
  • Slight performance improvements by caching the menu counters
  • Added the filter hook "clientside-options" to allow manipulation of Clientside options


11 Oct 2017
  • Toolbar improvements concerning its responsiveness and mobile friendliness.
  • Added user role specific classes to the body tag (in the admin environment) to use in your custom CSS selectors. They exist in the format of "role-administrator", "not-role-editor" etc.
  • Fix WooCommerce shipping method table not showing its action buttons.
  • Added plugin support for "Two-Factor"
  • Improved support for plugin "User Role Editor".
  • Various preparations for WP 4.9.


6 Sep 2017
  • Added an option to remove the widget/metabox close buttons. This can prevent accidental hiding of necessary UI elements.
  • Added filter hooks "clientside-admin-cap" and "clientside-super-admin-cap" to be able to change the user capability that can access Clientside settings.
  • Restored the widget “Delete” button on the Appearance > Widgets page.
  • Fix media library search field overlapping the toolbar account dropdown.
  • Fix submenus not expanding on touch-screens when popover submenus were enabled.
  • Improved support for plugin "Beaver Builder".
  • Improved support for plugin "Divi Builder".


15 Jul 2017
  • Admin Column Manager: Added WooCommerce products/orders/coupons columns to the list when WooCommerce is installed.
  • Admin Column Manager: Added Yoast SEO columns for posts/pages when Yoast SEO is installed.
  • Multisite: Added network option to hide the Documentation tab on network sites.
  • Multisite: Added network option to hide the Import/Export tab on network sites.
  • Multisite: When network-disabling Clientside tools, their network default settings tabs should still show, and their settings should be applied to all sites without the ability for the site admin to access or change them (applies to the widget manager, column manager and custom css/js).
  • Multisite: The network admin environment now has the network default options applied to itself (this will reflect in the menu style for example). Except for the "Enable Clientside" option since disabling it would make you lose access to the config.
  • Multisite: Now also hiding the network-disabled tools from the Import/Export Settings tab export section list.
  • Multisite: Fix a situation where network site default options can be overwritten by the first site's option values.
  • Avoid possible errors when exporting Clientside config using the Import/Export Settings tab.


6 Jul 2017
  • Slight improvements to the Customizer.
  • Recovered the missing expand/collapse icon for widgets on the Appearance > Widgets page.
  • Fixed styling of the Page Attributes metabox.
  • Multisite: Fix a situation where network site default options can be overwritten by the first site's option values.
  • Multisite: When a Clientside tool is network disabled, hide the network defaults tab for it, hide the listing on the site's Clientside Tools tab and hide the then absolete site option to enable it.
  • Multisite: Hide Clientside Tools tab when all tools are network disabled.
  • Added support for theme "Divi Theme".
  • Added support for theme "Impreza".
  • Added support for plugin "Beaver Builder".
  • Added support for plugin "Super Forms".
  • Improved support for plugin "Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP)".
  • Improved support for plugin "WooCommerce".


27 Jun 2017
  • Improved performance regarding plugin support CSS by only loading certain files if the applicable plugin is actually present.
  • Now loading Google Fonts over HTTPS even if you are not on HTTPS.
  • Fixed errors on certain pages when Toolbar Options > Hide Help was enabled.
  • Added support for plugin "Divi Builder".
  • Improved support for plugin "Advanced Custom Fields Pro".
  • Improved support for plugin "WooCommerce".
  • Improved support for plugin "WP Statistics".
  • Fixed layout glitch on the Themes page when there is 1 theme available.


17 Jun 2017
  • Restored the missing placeholder for the post title field.
  • Now also applying the Custom CSS/JS tool's admin area styling to the login screen (except if the login screen theming is disabled).
  • Improved support for plugin "HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter".
  • Improved support for plugin "WP Statistics".


10 Jun 2017
  • Cleaned up taxonomy term creation form by turning the field description texts into tooltips.
  • Cleaned up the taxonomy term quick edit form layout.
  • Updated styling for the new WP 4.8+ media widgets.
  • Updated styling for the new WP 4.8+ dashboard "WordPress Events and News" widget.
  • Updated styling for several page headers that changed markup since WP 4.8.
  • Various other visual tweaks.


30 May 2017
  • Added hint tooltips to the Clientside options to replace the inline option descriptions. This should help keep the page cleaner and options easier to find.
  • Slight restyle of sidebar page-index widgets.
  • Slight restyle of the role-specific options.
  • Added options to disable each Clientside Tool.
  • Better menu separator positioning when it appears right below the View Site button or custom logo.
  • Multisite: Added network options to disable each Clientside Tool for all sites.
  • RTL: Fixed the menu being initially hidden.
  • Various other visual improvements.


17 May 2017
  • Added an option to collapse the menu by default. Visit Appearance > Admin Theme > Admin Menu Options > "Collapse menu by default". This mode will give you more space to work with but you'll always have to manually open the menu to interact with it. The menu will then expand overlapping the content, just like it does on mobile resolutions.
  • Added a "Clear" button to the logo upload field in the settings.
  • Fixed too little spacing between the dark menu and the toolbar if menu separators were disabled.
  • Fixed the WooCommerce orders menu counter styling.


3 May 2017
  • RTL: Fix styling glitches in recently added elements.
  • Added toolbar option to hide the "View Posts" item on post table pages.
  • Removed dotted underline under dates that started appearing in recent Chrome versions.
  • Avoid errors if for any reason the saved options in the database would become corrupt.
  • Fix new menu popout positioning for first menu item when there's no logo or View Site button on top.
  • Fix positioning of new taxonomy page notes.
  • Fix positioning of the Media modal window's bottom bar.
  • Fix flag icon for unapproved comment in the Dashboard widget sometimes falling to a new line.


29 Apr 2017
  • Complete rebuild of admin menu CSS. Allowing for better responsiveness, extendability, usability and customization.
  • New optional "popout" style submenus, similar to the toolbar submenus!
  • New optional dark sidebar menu theme!
  • Added the "Site and Server Status" widget to the Network Admin Dashboard as previously it appeared only on single site Dashboards.
  • Added a few stats to the Site and Server Status Dashboard widget.
  • Slightly rearranged Admin Theme options.
  • Various visual enhancements.


22 Apr 2017
  • Fix network default option saving erasing the custom CSS/JS content in some cases.
  • Fix reverting network option defaults causing certain options to revert to the first child site's options in some cases.


21 Apr 2017
  • Prevent possible text domain conflict in JS localization.
  • Updated styling of a flagged comment in the Dashboard "Activity" widget.
  • Also added a flag to unapproved comments in the comment table.
  • Fix multisite toolbar menu glitch on mobile where it was clickable while hidden.
  • Bumped up the z-index of the site-view toolbar.
  • Cleaned up Appearance > Menus page.


12 Mar 2017
  • Fix the Comments widget on post edit screen being hidden for Editor/Author user roles.
  • Fix toolbar submenu not appearing on narrow resolutions.


19 Feb 2017
  • Multisite: You can now set defaults for your network site options! This includes all Clientside configuration except the Admin Menu Editor tool. When you create a new network site or when reverting its options, they will be set to the defaults you set here (see the new tabs under Network Admin > Themes > Admin Theme).
  • Multisite: Added the Revert to Default button to the network options.
  • Fix possible PHP error about widgets.


29 Jan 2017
  • Added user role specific option to hide the Add New button on post edit screens (in the Admin Widget Manager tool).
  • Updated style of the plugin/theme upload form.
  • Added multisite network option to show admin menu separators.
  • Now also showing menu counters in multisite network admin.
  • Menu counters added for Themes and Sites in the network admin menu.


10 Jan 2017
  • Updated search field styling.
  • Updated pagination styling.
  • Updated the widgets page layout.
  • Overall alignment, sizing and positioning improvements of elements around page headers.
  • Fixed menu counters disappearing since WP 4.7.
  • Fixed checkboxes in quick-edit toggling the table row's active state (blue background).
  • Changed the select control arrow to a single downward triangle.
  • Changed color of the "Choose from the most used tags" link in the tags metabox.
  • New drag icon for the admin menu editor.
  • Other various improvements.


29 Dec 2016
  • Fixed toolbar user menu sub-menus overlapping its parent.
  • Fixed positioning of the Add New button above post tables.
  • Fixed positioning of the text in small select controls.
  • Menu separators are now enabled by default.
  • Added clearer, yet still very subtle focus states to form fields.


18 Dec 2016
  • Plugin updates are now served over HTTPS.
  • Fixed new styling of tags on the post edit screen.
  • Fixed multiselect form control styling issues.
  • Fixed menu collapse buttons not working in WP 4.7.
  • Various touch-ups to the theme customizer.


8 Dec 2016
  • Removed the JS-styled dropdown script since it caused too many incompatibility issues. All select fields are now native with some new CSS styling to make them match the theme.
  • Fixed broken table layout when adding a taxonomy term child via ajax.
  • Added an option to disable the additional menu post counts added by Clientside.
  • Preventing Jetpack notifications from appearing behind the toolbar.
  • Avoiding a possible error when checking for plugin updates.
  • Various minor fixes and enhancements.


5 Nov 2016
  • Brought back the set-featured-image button in favor of the link.
  • Added slightly rounded corners to the featured image in the sidebar and media thumbnails for that soft touch.
  • Fix misaligned filter dropdowns above media grid.
  • Fix "Connection lost" error always showing on the post edit screen on mobile devices.


30 Oct 2016
  • Applied some styling fixes to the WooCommerce order table.
  • Remove all plugin update action buttons after updating a plugin.
  • Hide user avatar on narrow resolutions.
  • Fix alignment of menu counts & dropdown arrows on narrow resolutions.


23 Oct 2016
  • Full RTL (right to left) language support!
  • Checkboxes under user role specific options are now collapsed by default with a global "Everyone" toggle.
  • Fix multisite sites list row buttons when expanded.
  • Fix date column formatting resulting in 1970 in some cases.
  • Fix media modal submit button being hidden in a rare scenario.
  • Fix toolbar glitch when avatars were disabled.


17 Oct 2016
  • Post table rows are now collapsed to 1 row by default, with a hover effect that shows the row options and button to expand the row. To change back to the old behaviour, uncheck the new option in Clientside's theme settings.
  • Post table date column now shows the date in the format set in Settings > General.
  • Post table rows appear in a light blue color when selected.
  • The comments table has a new "View" action button to view the comment on the front-end (when the row collapse option is enabled).
  • The plugin table has a new "Update" action button when there is an update available (when the row collapse option is enabled).
  • Cleaned up styling of locked post notification dialog.
  • Applied the tags/categories metabox styling to all (custom) taxonomy metaboxes.
  • RTL support in progress: Post tables.


2 oct 2016
  • RTL support in progress: Admin menu.
  • ACF plugin support enhancements.
  • Fixed styling of inline plugin deletion message.
  • Utilization of small text fields on WP settings pages.


25 sep 2016
  • Fix disabling jQuery Migrate not working after the 1.3.9 update.
  • Fix the language selection list falling off the screen.
  • Added option to disable the emoji script that's loaded into your site by default (performance improvement).
  • New back-to-top button style.
  • The menu editor should now correctly hide the Visual Composer item for Editor users.
  • RTL support in progress: Toolbar enhancements.


21 sep 2016
  • Fixed some styling issues that appeared when disabling the Clientside theming.
  • Fixed multiselect controls breaking.
  • Improved ease of dragging Dashboard widgets to empty columns.


14 sep 2016
  • Added option to completely disable all Clientside functionality on user-role basis.
  • Changed max-width: 1280px to max-width 1279px for certain media queries so a 1280px resolution is not treated as a smaller screen.
  • A fix in the Admin Menu Editor tool where disabling certain taxonomy pages for certain post types for certain user roles was not working.
  • Styled empty widget area's "Drag boxes here" text.
  • Performance improvement around generating the counters in the admin menu.
  • Some remaining visual fixes concerning WP 4.6.


31 aug 2016
  • Prevent a JS error when closing the Help / Screen Options overlays.
  • Fix the plugin being hidden from plugin listings for Super Administrators when the multisite option "Hide Plugin Entry" is enabled.
  • Cleaned up "Updates" page.
  • Fixed missing text editor stylesheet.
  • Fixed some styling issues in the Customizer / Theme previewer.
  • Updated styling for the WP 4.6 inline plugin & theme updates.
  • Updated styling for the WP 4.6 local-storage autosave restore message.
  • Updated styling for the WP 4.6 theme browser filter groups.


25 jul 2016
  • Whitelisted instead of blacklisted styled select locations to avoid conflicts on external plugin settings pages.
  • Improved styling around the post publish metabox.
  • Preperations for the upcoming WP 4.6.


6 jul 2016
  • Fixed a possible PHP warning about a non-static method.
  • Moved Segoe UI to be the second choice font after Lato.
  • Disabled styled select fields in ACF (plugin) to prevent conflicts.
  • Admin Menu Editor Tool: Prevent the legacy (pre WP 3.5) menu item "Links" from being added back to the admin menu.
  • Admin Menu Editor Tool: Added the ability to manage the non-admin "Profile" item.
  • Admin Menu Editor Tool: Fixed "Visual Composer" menu item being in a different menu position for non-admin roles.
  • Admin Menu Editor Tool: Some style updates.


26 jun 2016
  • Improved the notification center to fixed several situations where parts of notification contents would go missing.


12 jun 2016
  • Slightly reduced the height of inputs and buttons.
  • Versioned CSS filenames should avoid glitches caused by agressive caching after each plugin update.
  • Removed themed dropdowns in some places to aboid breakage.


21 may 2016
  • Styled form selects more universally across browsers.
  • Show all user's roles in the toolbar user dropdown if a user has multiple roles.
  • Multisite: Don't show the toolbar "Admin Dashboard" button if the current user is on a network site that they are not admins of.
  • Multisite: Added toolbar option to hide the "My Sites" dropdown (site-specific, role-specific setting).


4 may 2016
  • Added an option to prevent WP from loading the wp-embed.min.js script into your site if you don't need the functionality.
  • Added an option to prevent WP from loading jQuery into your site for when your theme doesn't need it.
  • Fix renaming of the "View Site" button using the Admin Menu Editor tool.
  • Fix hidden filter button on the media page when in list view with the date filter hidden.
  • Fix media grid date filter not being hidden when the option to hide all date filters is enabled.
  • Updated styling of thumbnail selection checkboxes.


24 apr 2016
  • Toolbar menus & notification-center design update with improved contrast, subtle animation and overall niceness.


20 apr 2016
  • Compacter layout, widget & menu spacing.
  • Adjustments to media query breakpoints.
  • Dashboard "Welcome to WordPress!" widget cleanup.
  • Dashboard "Activity" widget cleanup.
  • Help window cleanup.
  • Multisite "My Sites" page cleanup.


15 apr 2016
  • Fix double border above the Customizer collapse button.
  • Added option to disable loading jQuery Migrate.
  • Fix menu editor tool not being able to rename menu items in some cases.


12 mar 2016
  • Fix plugin list plugin icon size
  • Compacter permalink settings list
  • Some preparations for WP 4.5


3 feb 2016
  • Fix custom css/js tool not saving in some situations


31 jan 2016
  • Removed extra section headers on tools pages
  • Added option to remove the toolbar's confusing "Customize" button. Note that this is enabled by default.
  • Fix styling for plugin Google Analytics Dashboard
  • Slight improvement to the notification center behavior


20 dec 2015
  • Added role-based option: Disable Quick Edit
  • Fix Network Administrators in some cases not seeing the Clientside "Import/Export" tab
  • Changed required admin capability from "manage_theme_options" to "manage_options"


21 nov 2015
  • Fix for possible "Missing argument" error in Clientside_Error_Handler class.
  • Improvements to the Press This tool's styling
  • Styling updates in preparation for WP 4.4


8 nov 2015
  • Improvements to the toolbar when the admin theming is disabled
  • Avoid adding css classes to the body tag when not logged in
  • Fix media page filter bar styling
  • Styling updates in preparation for WP 4.4


30 sep 2015
  • Improvements to the Appearance > Themes page styling.
  • Improvements to the Appearance > Menus page styling.
  • Improvements to the password strength indicator control styling.
  • Improvements to admin forms on mobile.
  • Several other visual glitches fixed.


27 sep 2015
  • Fix errors introduced in 1.2 when using PHP 5.4 or below.


26 sep 2015
  • New tool: Custom CSS/JS, allowing you to inject your own CSS and javascript into the site and/or admin area.
  • New network option: Hide Plugin Entry. This hides Clientside from individual site's plugin listings for site admins, making them unable to deactivate the plugin. This was previously included in the "Network Admins Only" option.
  • Added the option to disable Google Fonts in the admin area to speed up page load times
  • Added links to page sections in the plugin's options and tools pages' sidebars
  • Added the option to hide the "Comment Type" filter above comment listings
  • Added some entries to the "Site and Server Status" dashboard widget
  • Improved looks of the plugin information window


22 aug 2015
  • Compacter comments (activity) Dashboard widget styling
  • Fixed broken comment pager styling
  • Fixed some possible overlaps of media modal window elements on narrower resolutions
  • Fix horizontal scroll triggered on mobile
  • Improved support for SiteOrigin Page Builder


15 aug 2015
  • Added ability to import/export Clientside options, including the separate tool configurations. See the new "Import/Export Settings" tab under Appearance > Admin Theme.
  • Added exceptions for dismissible plugin notifications not being dismissible in the notification center.
  • Updated Dutch translation.


8 aug 2015
  • Fixed "distraction free writing mode" button overlapping other text editor buttons in some cases in the non-visual text editor
  • Improved layouts of some of the quick-edit forms
  • Improved WP 4.3 support
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Google Analytics Dashboard
  • Added option to hide the user role changer dropdown above user listings
  • Styled approve/trash/spam comment confirmation page


19 jul 2015
  • Fixed the WooCommerce Reports page falling partially off screen
  • Improved Revolution Slider plugin compatibility
  • Fixed positioning of dynamically added checkbox fields on the register form


14 jul 2015
  • Added support for upcoming WP 4.3
  • Fixed background image positioning in the background image control in the Customizer


8 jul 2015
  • Fix certain menu items in the menu editor tool having all role checkboxes disabled and not appearing in the menu
  • Fix certain menu items forcing themselves always on top of the menu


22 jun 2015
  • Minor compatibility improvements with Visual Composer
  • Minor compatibility improvements with Layers WP

1 jun 2015
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Master Slider
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Slider WD


26 may 2015
  • Added option to disable toolbar theming when viewing the site. Useful if your site theme is messing up the toolbar’s positioning or styling
  • Added option to expand submenus by hovering, instead of clicking
  • Fixed bug where the menu item for Gravity Forms was not manageable in the Admin Menu Editor Tool


17 may 2015
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t focus on the menu item title fields in the Admin Menu Editor tool in Firefox
  • Fixed “Layers WP” menu items not being renamed via the Admin Menu Editor tool
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Revolution Slider


15 may 2015
  • Ensured compatibility with theme framework: Layers WP
  • Made additional external plugin support optional to save some performance when not using any of the affected plugins. See new option “Additional plugin support” to disable it.


14 may 2015
  • Slightly increased contrast
  • Slightly decreased layout padding & compacter post listing table on small-medium sized resolutions
  • Fix plugin temporarily disappearing from plugin list after updating it
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Hero Menu


9 may 2015
  • Multisite: The Network Administrator role is now reflected under the user’s name in the toolbar.
  • Multisite: There is now a Network Options page in the Network Admin area.
  • Multisite: New network option to make Clientside only manageable by Network Admins, not regular site Administrators.
  • Multisite: Network Administrators are now separated from Administrators in case of role-based options and in the Admin Menu Editor tool.
  • Fix bug where some links with “#” targets didn't fire their click event.
  • Improved WooCommerce compatibility.
Note: Super Admins might need to check their role-based settings after updating since super admin is now separated from admin.


6 may 2015
  • Improved translation support
  • Includes Dutch translation

5 may 2015
  • Fix bug where in some cases the Clientside Admin Tools / Documentation pages would show a permission error.
  • Fix disabled theme/plugin file editors sometimes not hiding their menu items.


4 may 2015
  • This update features a brand new Notification Center, putting notifications away behind a toolbar item instead of displaying them directly on the page. You can also choose to disable this feature to keep the classic behavior.
  • Improved Help window formatting
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast
  • Dashboard status widget now shows running PHP version
  • Improved the custom PHP error handler to respect error_reporting settings
  • More documentation
  • Various minor enhancements

30 apr 2015
  • Includes a workaround to avoid the minimal requirement of PHP 5.3
  • Includes fix for horizontal scrollbar showing up when viewing your site

28 apr 2015
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Jetpack
  • Improved compatibility with plugin: Admin Menu Tree Page View


26 apr 2015
  • Enabling menu separators now also adds a vertical line between the menu and the content
  • Brought back the theme customizer sidebar-collapse button
  • Fixed toolbar items wrapping and breaking the layout when it got too full
  • Fixed modal window header sometimes overlapping its content
  • Styled text-editor’s link management window consistent with other modal windows

1.0.8 /

24 apr 2015
  • Improved WP 4.2 support
    (Theme customizer, Press-this tool)


23 apr 2015
  • Fixed menu items not showing up in the Admin Menu Editor if a theme/plugin added them with a very high priority argument
  • Added back menu separator support (including for submenu items) (see the option “Menu separators” under Admin Theme Options to enable them)
  • Improved generic plugin compatibility
  • Toolbar when viewing the site now less likely to be mispositioned
  • Fixed notifications sometimes dropping far to the bottom
  • Fixed errors showing while WP_DEBUG was disabled
Note that Clientside is not affected by the recent security vulnerability found in many WP themes/plugins described here:


22 apr 2015
  • Slightly reduced CSS size
  • Fixed bug where the user role settings would be cut off when there was too little space
  • Fixed menu items not showing up in the Admin Menu Editor if they were added after Clientside was installed
  • Reenabled previously hidden Bulk Selection functionality for multiple media file deletion
  • Added option to hide the media “Bulk Select” button
  • Added option to hide the “Add Media” button on post edit pages for specific user roles (available in the Admin Widget Manager tool)


21 apr 2015
  • Slight improvement to the text editor
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Formidable Forms
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: WooCommerce
  • Fixed a bug where the post names could be hidden in the listings
  • Added a feature that outputs PHP errors in the conventional admin notice manner instead of letting PHP print them above the HTML output


20 apr 2015
  • Improvement to the text editor toolbar in case of tall or fullscreen text area instances
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Microthemer
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Admin Menu Tree Page View
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: BuddyPress
  • Fixed a bug where a white screen would appear after installation when using a PHP version lesser than 5.3


19 apr 2015
  • Improved compatibility with plugins that don’t follow the WP layout standards
  • Fixed bug which caused some pages to redirect to the Admin Menu Editor tool
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: W3 Total Cache


19 apr 2015
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Visual Composer
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: bbPress
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Admin Menu Editor (Pro)
  • Ensured compatibility with plugin: Advanced Custom Fields
  • Updated documentation
(Note that any plugin should function fine in combination with Clientside. However it has been specifically tested for guaranteed smooth visual compatibility with specific popular plugins)


18 apr 2015
  • Added option to hide the login page logo
  • Added option to hide the custom logo above the menu if one is uploaded
  • Added option to disable the theme/plugin file editor
  • Updated styling and progressive enhanced functionality on the theme/plugin file editor pages
  • Updated the Admin Menu Editor styling
  • Fixed form field cursor height bug in Safari
  • Various enhancements


16 apr 2015 (Initial release)


  • WordPress 4.0+
  • IE8+, or any modern browser


Clientside changes the default WordPress admin area styling. If another plugin follows the conventional WP coding APIs it should function fine. However if it relies on the default styling, it can cause a visual conflict with the Clientside UI.

Clientside has been specifically tested for guaranteed smooth compatibility with the following plugins:

  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) (Pro)
  • Admin Menu Editor (Pro)
  • bbPress
  • Beaver Builder
  • BuddyPress
  • Cache Enabler
  • Divi Builder
  • Divi Theme
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • Easy Updates Manager
  • Elementor
  • Formidable Forms
  • Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
  • Gravity Forms
  • Health Check
  • Heartbeat Control
  • Hero Menu
  • HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
  • Imsanity
  • Jetpack
  • Layers WP
  • Mailchimp for WP
  • Master Slider
  • McAfee SECURE
  • Microthemer
  • P3 - Plugin Performance Profiler
  • Query Monitor
  • Quform
  • Revolution Slider
  • Slider WD
  • Super Forms
  • Two-Factor
  • User Switching
  • Visual Composer (WPBakery Page Builder)
  • W3 Total Cache
  • WooCommerce
  • WPForms
  • WPML
  • WP Rocket
  • WP Statistics
  • Yoast SEO / WordPress SEO by Yoast

If you rely on a specific plugin not mentioned here and are wondering about the compatibility, feel free to contact support.