Documentation for Multiple Shipping Solution for WooCommerce
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What is the required WordPress version to run this plugin?
What is the required WooCommerce version to run this plugin?
Is this plugin compatible with WooCommerce 4.0+?
Will this plugin mess with any of my WordPress or WooCommerce settings?
No. Enabling the plugin leaves everything in the same state until you save the plugin options to apply your customizations. Disabling/uninstalling the plugin will leave everything as it was before you installed the plugin.
Where are the plugin options?
In the admin menu under WooCommerce – Settings – Shipping – Shipping options. You will find a section named “Multiple Shipping Solution”. To be able to see the Shipping tab you must have shipping enabled (see the option “Shipping Location(s)” under the General tab) and have enough user privileges to manage the WooCommerce settings (such as the Shop Manager user role).

How to I determine how packages are divided?
There are 4 ways to get the cart’s products to be divided into separate packages. Visit the plugin options to select which method to activate.
- By the “Product Group” taxonomy. Edit a product to see a new grouping taxonomy in the sidebar named “Product Group”. You are free to create groups however you like. All products in the same group will end up in the same shipping package and thus other groups in their own packages.
- By “Product Category”. This will use the native WooCommerce product category taxonomy to combine items in the same categories. So a product with the category T-Shirts will always go with other T-Shirts, etc.
- By a specified “Product Attribute”. This will use the native WooCommerce product attributes to combine similar items. If for example the attribute “Color” is chosen as a grouping attribute, all items with the color “Red” will be combined into the same package.
- By weight. If this option has a value, it is always applied. Also if one of the above grouping methods is active. When a combination of products reaches this limit, one or more new packages are created for the remaining items.
How do I set up a product’s weight?
Make sure the products have weight values set. To set a product’s weight, edit the product and visit the Shipping tab under Product Data.
How do I change the weight unit?
This is a WooCommerce setting. Visit WooCommerce > Settings > Products to find the “Weight unit” setting.
I don’t want to use any weight limiting
In the plugin options, set the weight limit to 0 to ignore product weight.
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