Designs and develops for Frique. Prefers tabs over spaces. Pretends to be French, is actually Dutch, living in Thailand.
Twitter: @amanuo

All posts by Berend

Boost exact match result weight for meta data with the Relevanssi search plugin

When the WP review function is not working

How to remove the Stripe Payment Request button

How to disable the enhanced country selector control in WooCommerce 3.2.0+

How to translate the WordPress date/time formats using WPML

Disable smiley images in WordPress posts

Saving custom checkout fields in WooCommerce 3+

WPML: Get taxonomy terms in all or other languages

Change billing and shipping field names in the WooCommerce checkout errors

Prevent automatic scrolling to checkout error in WooCommerce

From Vagrant to Valet

Quick tip: Redirect away from the media attachment template (WordPress)

Inserting multilingual posts programmatically with WPML

Closing a UIkit lightbox using the esc key

Puphpet php missing simplexml

WP login bookmarklet

How to remove WordPress’ Quick Edit

Some troubleshooting for a broken Apache installation after upgrading to OSX 10.10.4

Chrome + WordPress SSL bug

One reason why your WP theme/plugin localization might be failing to load

Lazy loading @font-face fonts

On usability and the MAS


Hosting your own analytics.js

flat.icns contribution

Disabling WordPress comment flood prevention

Custom jQuery build with Grunt

WP 3.6 jquery console error

Brainstorm: Custom html tags

On MAMP and MySQL table case sensitivity

When your Google Analytics are not your Google Analytics